Please note: Good Dog Co. does not currently employ veterinarians and the content below is for informational purposes. Please consult a licensed veterinarian with any medical questions or concerns.

Vaccine Information

Required Vaccine Details

Rabies is required by Illinois law to be administered every 1 to 3 years. Puppy rabies vaccine is generally given at 16 weeks ( no earlier than week 15), and the rabies vaccination is good for one year. For adult dogs, the rabies vaccination is good for three years.

Bordetella (also known as “kennel cough”). Either an injectable or intranasal vaccine every 12 months. The oral Bordetella vaccination is only accepted if given within the last 6 months. This is in alignment with the latest scientific data provided by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and VCA's chief medical team. Both the injectable and intranasal format of the Bordetella vaccine have proven efficacy for 12 months, whereas the oral format lacks sufficient evidence that it is effective after 6 months.

Distemper Caused by an airborne virus, distemper is a severe disease that, among other problems, may cause permanent brain damage. Puppies need a booster 1 year after completing the initial series, then all dogs need a booster every 3 years or more often. (titers accepted on dogs over 2 years old and must be retested every year)

Titers Testing Vaccinal titer testing is a scientifically proven method of determining immunity and protection against the core vaccine agents. Even a so-called “fully vaccinated” dog may not be actually “immune”. Titer testing helps to identify animals that would benefit from vaccination.

Canine Influenza (H3N2 is required though we recommend H3N8 for more protection). It is important to note that this vaccination comes in two rounds with the second administration occurring 2-3 weeks after the initial injection. For puppies, both shots must be received prior to their first visit. For adult dogs who have already received this vaccine in the past, your dog may still attend after receiving the first round and while they await their next round. See additional information below.

Leptospirosis is recommended for any dog who may be exposed to infection. Protection lasts approximately one year, so annual booster vaccines should be part of your dog's yearly wellness visit.

Fecal Test An intestinal parasite test must be provided every six (6) months.

Past Canine Influenza Experience: Even if your dog has previously had Canine Influenza, proof of the H3N2 vaccination is required. Vaccination ensures protection against potential carriers, even if they show no symptoms. Manufacturers assure that the vaccination won't harm your dog, even if they’ve had CIV or other respiratory issues before.

Required Strain Protection: Minimum requirement: H3N2 vaccination, as it was prevalent in Chicago in years past. A combo vaccination covering both H3N2 and H3N8 strains is recommended for comprehensive protection, albeit at a slightly higher cost.

Contagious Period Post-Vaccination: Your dog will not be contagious after vaccination. The killed virus only boosts immunity levels.

Vaccination Administration: Administered via injectable shot, requiring two vet visits three weeks apart initially. Annual boosters are recommended, requiring only one vet visit.

Future Virus Changes: Similar to human vaccinations, formulations are regularly updated to address virus changes.

Community Adoption: Many vets and dog businesses are adopting this vaccination requirement to mitigate the risk. It's a collective effort for the well-being of our community.

Puppy Vaccination: The H3N2 vaccination is suitable for healthy dogs over eight weeks old.

Duration of Protection: CIV vaccinations last for one year.

Manufacturer Information: Zoetis and Merck are the primary manufacturers of the vaccination.

Post-Vaccination Infection Possibility: While no vaccination guarantees absolute immunity, the likelihood and severity of infection are significantly reduced post-vaccination.

For additional information or concerns, please consult your veterinarian.

Canine Influenza Details